

PRIDE Logo studio m was contacted by members of the Pride BRG (our MassMutual LGBTA Business Resource Group) to develop a new logo for the organization. We were asked to create a fresh, new, and engaging logo that is recognizable, and speaks to the heart and soul of...
Step Up – Jade Reason

Step Up – Jade Reason

Jade Reason A quick story on why you should always step up. ; I’ll set the stage… On a recent trip to Cape Cod,  Jenny, Fiona and I decided to roll out to some stores to see if we could find some bathing suits and gear for our trip to the Caribbean next...
Kismet Rock Foundation 2015 Booklet

Kismet Rock Foundation 2015 Booklet

Kismet Rock Foundation Booklet A beautiful and engaging 12 page informational booklet. ; The folks at Kismet Rock Foundation approached me to put together their new informational booklet for 2015; they were interested in adding a good bit more content than the...
Gerrard Art

Gerrard Art

GerrardArt Creature Creation / Art / Dreams / Nightmares ; Clean, fast, outstanding. Considered to be one of the most visionary character designers and concept artists in the world, my good friend Paul Gerrard needed a way to be able to communicate the breadth of his...
Monsterwood | The Graphic Novel

Monsterwood | The Graphic Novel

Monsterwood | The Graphic Novel Successfully funded Kickstarter Campaign Marketing, campaign development, videography, photography, book design, PR. ; The Book Monsterwood: Book 1, is the first of three, 60+ page Monsterwood graphic novels, which together, will...