by Stephen Rovetti | Sep 18, 2020
Master Gardener Permaculture Educational Garden Logo Design My friend Christine Masztal (she’s a Master Gardener) recently contacted me to tell me about the super-cool Permaculture Educational Garden in Brooklyn that she’s involved with. She was interested...
by Stephen Rovetti | May 27, 2020
Housing Diversity Corporation Housing Diversity Corporation is a company that aims to expand the diversity and supply of market-rate multifamily housing across the urban centers of the West Coast. As the company grew, they realized that is was time to strengthen their...
by Stephen Rovetti | May 26, 2020
Lulu's Truffle Co. Lulu’s Truffle Co. reached out to me to know if I’d be able to help them with a logo for their new business. They make delicious truffles. I said yes, of course. After a bit of time talking to Pam about the business, what she was...
by Stephen Rovetti | Mar 23, 2020
Logo Design | The Trail Building Company Ben Collins was looking for someone to come in and help him with a new logo design. The Trail Building Company is the business that he founded with the mission of creating non-invasive hand built trails that last for decades....
by Stephen Rovetti | Jun 11, 2019
UConn Gives 2019 "Why People Gave Last Year" Social Media Videos Just a quick, fun group of social media videos that I put together while at the UConn Foundation. We wanted to find a way to show off some tweets from the last UConn Gives event related to why donors...